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About COVID: The Basics

COVID-19. Know the facts to prevent infection.


Aged Care


Infection Prevention & Control


Mark Longman


Australian Unity


These questions will support care workers to recall the key facts and concepts relating to COVID-19 in aged care. This foundation knowledge will help you to keep everyone safe, as well as communicate basic information to older Australians and their family and carers.

This set provides audio support for learners where English may not be the primary language.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this question set, learners will be able to:

  • Identify basic facts about the COVID-19 virus to protect yourself and others from infection.
  • Recognise how COVID-19 can be transmitted to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the community.

  1. High risk groups
  2. Existing illness
  3. Symptom severity
  4. Signs and symptoms
  5. Symptom checker
  6. Who can catch it?
  7. Droplet transmission
  8. Airborne transmission
  9. Close contact
  10. How does it get in?
  11. A group effort
  12. Basic measures

About COVID: The Basics

COVID-19. Know the facts to prevent infection.


Aged Care

Infection Prevention & Control


Aged Care


Australian Unity


Mark Longman

FMN Author

Audio Support

