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ACQS Standard 3: The Care and Services (Simple)

Learn more about Standard 3: The Care and Services so you can ensure that older Australians receive care and services that are safe, effective, and high-quality.


Aged Care


Regulatory Framework


Forget Me Not


Margaret Ann Shevlin


Standard 3 is about the way that care and services are provided. It focuses on the assessment and planning to ensure that older Australians receive the best care and services that are tailored to their needs. This is the Level-2 set

Learning Objectives

By completion of this question set, learners will be able to:

  • Identify the key points of Standard 3 to ensure that aged care organisations deliver care and services that are safe and effective, well planned and coordinated, and meet the needs of older Australians.

  1. Outcome 3.1 - Care and Services Plan
  2. Outcome 3.1 - Advance Care Planning
  3. Outcome 3.2 - Delivery of Care and Services
  4. Outcome 3.2 - Dementia
  5. Outcome 3.2 - Restrictive Practices.
  6. Outcome 3.3 - communication System
  7. Outcome 3.3 - Concerns
  8. Outcome 3.4 - Coordination of Care and Services

ACQS Standard 3: The Care and Services (Simple)

Learn more about Standard 3: The Care and Services so you can ensure that older Australians receive care and services that are safe, effective, and high-quality.


Aged Care

Regulatory Framework


Aged Care


Margaret Ann Shevlin

Registered Nurse


Forget Me Not

Audio Support

