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Anxiety in Older Australians

Don't overlook mental health issues when caring for our older Australians! Break down the stigma of anxiety by knowing how to spot the signs and support those who show need it.


Aged Care


Mental Health


Forget Me Not


Obvious Choice


Frontline aged care workers are the most likely to spot changes or patterns in an older Australian's behaviour. These signs of anxiety might otherwise go unnoticed. Aged care workers are in a unique position to get older Australians help that improves their quality of life

Plus, there are many small things they can do to help older Australians living with anxiety cope with their symptoms. These questions will help workers learn more about anxiety, so they can provide safe and quality care that helps those living with anxiety to have the best possible health and happiness.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this question set, learners will be able to:

  • Define anxiety to develop respectful empathic understanding for older Australians who are anxious
  • List strategies to use with older Australians who are experiencing anxiety to manage their condition and optimise health and well-being.
  • Recognise common characteristics of anxiety to identify older Australlans who may need support.

  1. What is anxiety?
  2. Common diagnoses
  3. Reasons for anxiety
  4. Anxious behaviours
  5. Physical symptoms
  6. Anxious feelings
  7. Anxious thoughts
  8. What to say
  9. Techniques to help relax
  10. Managing anxiety
  11. Professional-led help
  12. Following the correct steps

Anxiety in Older Australians

Don't overlook mental health issues when caring for our older Australians! Break down the stigma of anxiety by knowing how to spot the signs and support those who show need it.


Aged Care

Mental Health


Aged Care


Obvious Choice


Forget Me Not

Audio Support

