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Dressing and Undressing in Aged Care: The Basics

Your task. My dignity. Dressing and undressing is an intimate task. Support older Australians dignity with respectful, thoughtful help.


Aged Care (Residential Care)


Activities of Daily Living


Forget Me Not


Obvious Choice


Manv older Australians experience cognitive decline and/or phvsical impairment that aftects their ability to dress and undress themselves independentv.

Through these questions, workers will learn about ways to assist older Australians with dressing and undressing to ensure their safety, comfort and dignity. Having a better understanding about the safety considerations, appropriate clothing choices and useful dressing undressing techniques will help them to meet individual needs and enable older Australians to continue living as safely and independently as possible.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this question set, learners will be able to:

  • Identify common procedures of dressing and undressing to ensure the safety, comfort, and respect of older Australians.
  • List ways to support older Australians whilst dressing and undressing to improve their comfort and dignity.

  1. Hand hygiene
  2. Before dressing
  3. Dressing in bed
  4. Dress a stroke survivor
  5. Front fastening garments
  6. Health checks
  7. Garment choices
  8. Limited mobility
  9. Grooming
  10. Choosing clothing
  11. People living with dementia
  12. Coping strategies

Dressing and Undressing in Aged Care: The Basics

Your task. My dignity. Dressing and undressing is an intimate task. Support older Australians dignity with respectful, thoughtful help.


Aged Care (Residential Care)

Activities of Daily Living


Aged Care (Residential Care)


Obvious Choice


Forget Me Not

Audio Support

