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End of Life Care at Home

Continued care through end of life. Learn how to comfort older Australians as they approach end of life and offer support to family and loved ones.


Aged Care (in-home care)


Advanced Care


Rebecca Muir


Merryn Donnellan


It can be hard to talk about end of life care, but it's important for personal care workers. This series will give learners the ability to help older Australians feel comfortable and autonomous while nearing their end of life. They will also learn how to balance the needs and wants of families and loved ones.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this question set, learners will be able to:

  • Execute appropriate techniques for ensuring the needs of all parties are met when the older Australian is dying.
  • Implement appropriate strategies for responding to recognised concerns from the older Australian or their family.

  1. The older Australian is dying
  2. Signs of dying
  3. Talking to family
  4. Caring for a dying person
  5. Taking care of yourself
  6. Goals of care
  7. Confirming death
  8. Worried about death

End of Life Care at Home

Continued care through end of life. Learn how to comfort older Australians as they approach end of life and offer support to family and loved ones.


Aged Care (in-home care)

Advanced Care


Aged Care (in-home care)


Merryn Donnellan

Registered Nurse


Rebecca Muir

FMN Campaign Director

Audio Support

