You've arrived at Forget Me Not®'s specialised site for the aged care industry. Our microlearning solutions simplify compliance, improve knowledge retention, and support providers in delivering exceptional outcomes with confidence.
It may be just a meal to you, but that meal is full of nutrients that are vital to maintain an older person's wellbeing. Learn how to support those who need assistance with eating, to ensure a dignified and enjoyable mealtime.
In this set, personal care workers will learn various strategies to accommodate and enhance the mealtime experience for older Australians at home. Learners will recall key concepts to help with meal planning, mealtime preparation and upkeep of safe food handling and hygiene to avoid ailments such as food poisoning.
By the end of this question set, learners will be able to:
It may be just a meal to you, but that meal is full of nutrients that are vital to maintain an older person's wellbeing. Learn how to support those who need assistance with eating, to ensure a dignified and enjoyable mealtime.