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Palliative Care

Provide support and comfort to those living with a life limiting illness. Learn how to ensure all consumers and their families are supported to live, die and grieve well.


Aged Care (Residential Care)


Complex Needs


Rebecca Muir


Rebecca Warburton


Caring for older Australians in palliative care requires carers to be empathetic, caring and strong-willed. In this set, workers will learn about the best approaches to palliative care, which will help them with their duties. They'll learn how to better care for older Australians, and how to care for their own wellbeing.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this question set, learners will be able to:

  • Use appropriate techniques for ensuring the needs of all parties are met when an older Australian has a life-limiting illness.
  • Implement appropriate strategies for responding to recognised concerns from olderAustralians and their families.

  1. Communication
  2. Advance care plan
  3. Worsening symptoms
  4. Self-care
  5. Children and grieving
  6. Managing discomfort
  7. Cultural beliefs
  8. Dignity

Palliative Care

Provide support and comfort to those living with a life limiting illness. Learn how to ensure all consumers and their families are supported to live, die and grieve well.


Aged Care (Residential Care)

Complex Needs


Aged Care (Residential Care)


Rebecca Warburton

Registered Nurse


Rebecca Muir

FMN Campaign Director

Audio Support

