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SIRS Obligations for In-Home Care Workers

Learn what types of incidents to report and how to identify them to improve the quality of aged care services through awareness and prompt reporting.


Aged Care (in-home care)


Regulatory Framework


Forget Me Not


Obvious Choice


In-home care providers have a responsibility to report serious incidents to the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission under the Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS). This question set will help them, as a carer, learn what types of incidents they need to report and how to identify them. They'll improve the quality of aged care services by being aware of the serious incidents and reporting them promptly.

Learning Objectives

By completion of this question set, learners will be able to:

  • Practise serious incident identification and reporting.
  • Classify different types of serious incidents.
  • Implement prevention strategies for serious incidents.

  1. Unreasonable use of force
  2. Preventing psychological abuse
  3. Inappropriate sexual contact
  4. Unexpected death
  5. Missing older Australian
  6. Neglect
  7. Restrictive practices
  8. Stealing or financial coercion
  9. What type of incident?
  10. What to report?

SIRS Obligations for In-Home Care Workers

Learn what types of incidents to report and how to identify them to improve the quality of aged care services through awareness and prompt reporting.


Aged Care (in-home care)

Regulatory Framework


Aged Care (in-home care)


Obvious Choice


Forget Me Not

Audio Support

