The Code of Conduct in Aged Care

Recognise the eight elements of the Code of Conduct for Aged Care, and learn how they apply to your role.


Aged Care


Regulatory Framework


Forget Me Not


Obvious Choice


By completing this set, learners will be able to identify eight elements of the Code of Conduct and how to apply them in the workplace. In order to enhance relationships with older Australians, learners will also be able to recognise unacceptable and expected behaviours.

Learning Objectives

By completion of this question set, learners will be able to:

  • Recognise expected and unacceptable workplace behaviours to protect older Australians from harm.
  • Identify the eight elements of the Code of Conduct to ensure compliance with legislation
  • Summarise how the Code of Conduct enables ethical, honest and respectful interactions with older Australians.

  1. Unacceptable workplace behaviour
  2. Workplace ethics
  3. Acting with integrity and honesty example
  4. Expected workplace behaviour
  5. Elements in the workplace
  6. Enhancing workplace interactions
  7. Valuing diversity
  8. Keeping older Australians safe

The Code of Conduct in Aged Care

Recognise the eight elements of the Code of Conduct for Aged Care, and learn how they apply to your role.


Aged Care

Regulatory Framework


Aged Care


Obvious Choice


Forget Me Not

Audio Support

