Microlearning embeds critical job role knowledge

Employee capability gaps solved, in just a few minutes a day.

Aged care training app

The app that makes learning a daily priority.

Forget Me Not helps employees engage with microlearning. Using the app, employees complete regular 5 minute learning challenges that boost capability and confidence.

Forget Me Not delivers questions that challenge learners to recall critical knowledge. When they can’t, personalised feedback fills any knowledge gap. Questions repeat over days and weeks, until the knowledge is mastered.

Forget Me Not user learning

Questions feel like a chat on your mobile.


The app personalises each employee's path to mastery using algorithms that optimise engagement and knowledge retention. Forget Me Not motivates employees with progress updates, nudges and recognition when they do well. Forget Me Not is the all-in-one microlearning solution for your business.


Forget Me Not mobile learning app



It’s like having your very own memory coach. And it’s all wrapped in a natural social-media chat experience.


Trial it now


Learner centred

Learners control what time of day is most convenient to learn.

Forget Me Not delivers a few minutes of microlearning each day based on a spaced repetition algorithm.

The app based learning user experience is personalised, engaging and motivational.

app based learning


One app

Many applications!


Compliance knowledge that sticks, scaling to the needs of each learner, instead of an annual sheep dip refresher course with hours of clicking next.

Service staff

Sales and customer service staff with great product knowledge, gained quickly and just in time to sell and serve.

Critical issues

Fast recovery from critical issues and crises by pushing out critical knowledge and approaches, knowing that they’ll be remembered and applied straight away.

Safety knowledge

Ensuring critical knowledge like safety practices is front of mind for staff doing high risk activities.


Turbo charging staff performance by uplifting knowledge that drives results.


Reversing declining interest levels from staff or members who just won’t engage with traditional classroom or e-learning.

Setup and run your campaigns with ease.

Forget Me Not is a dream for Learning Performance Specialists.

Data insights are real time and visual, revealing when individuals or teams are struggling, and when they’ve mastered knowledge.


How it works


Microlearning campaign planning

Low fees and real results

This potent combination of low fees and a solution that delivers real, measurable results is a game changer.

Forget Me Not is hosted on highly secure cloud-based servers and you only pay when you use it.

No more annual licence fees!

Data insights are real time and visual, revealing when individuals or teams are struggling, or when they’ve mastered knowledge.

Let's Get Started

Pop your name, email and mobile in this form and James will give you a call to organise your Forget Me Not trial.

You will then be enrolled in a learning experience and see why Forget Me Not transforms how people learn at work.

Forget Me Not

A better way to learn


Based on Three Simple Ideas


Forgetmenot microlearning app